This Will Fail

That is the point. This is testing roundup(5). A few tests fail on purpose, because each is testing a specific success or failure condition. roundup(1) will flunk a plan executed with one or more failing tests. Therefore, this will fail.

#!/usr/bin/env roundup

A quick note

For more information on how roundup views a test-plan, see roundup(5).

Let's get started

describe the plan meaningfully.

describe "roundup(5)"

before each test, set an arbitrary variable to an arbitrary value. A later test checks the variable to know if before was run.

before() {

after each test, delete foo.txt if it exists. A later test will touch said file. It's sister test will later run to check it no longer exists to ensure this ran.

after() {
    rm -f foo.txt

Test basic success and failure conditions. These are intentionally silly tests to keep their results deterministic. it_fails will fail, causing the whole plan to fail.

NOTE: the results of these, and all of the following tests are checked in

it_passes() {

it_fails() {

Check $foo to ensure before ran.

it_runs_before() {
    test "$foo" "=" "bar"

Start the after test. Drop a file and check it really exists. The sister test checks if after cleans it up.

it_runs_after_a_test_passes_part_1() {
    touch foo.txt
    test -f foo.txt

Test the file dropped above is no longer on disk. If it doesn't exist, we know after ran.

it_runs_after_a_test_passes_part_2() {
    test "!" -f foo.txt

We want after to run if a test passes or fails. Leaving behind debris isn't good practice. This test will drop a file to disk then intentionally fail. It's sister test makes sure the file no longer exists, proving after ran.

it_runs_after_if_a_test_fails_part_1() {
    touch foo.txt
    test -f foo.txt

Start the after test. Drop a file and check it really exists. The sister test checks if after cleans it up.

it_runs_after_if_a_test_fails_part_2() {
    test "!" -f foo.txt

Roundup will ignore tests starting with x. Ignored tests are still enumerated in the plans output marked with [I]. If roundup does not ignore this, result in failure.

xit_ignores_this() {